The idea for VERITAS EVERNIA is based on the desire of a fortune teller to have her very own and personal purpose-made cards. They were supposed to match her own karma, as well as the universal standards, and should be seen as a practical guide for present and future behavior.
Live guidance or decision guidance, psychoanalysis, regulative system, eye of the inner soul or simply counseling interview this could all be synonyms for VERITAS EVERNIA, because every single card aims at a special and important aspect of our daily life.
One could say that the actually unlimited variety of our personal existence has been reduced to a very careful selection of 36 significant aspects. And with this limited number every individual person can easily get down to the essentials and distinguish between wise and unwise.
In reports, based on experience, the fortune teller Andrea Seifert has made it clear again and again that card reading and foreboding are first of all about helping people to find the right way. Regarding this aspect, the Lenormand-motives have been reinterpreted and modernized by the artist Künstlerin Heike Grüning.
Event though they have rounded down corners they are postcard sized! The identical backsides can be written on and used as greeting cards.
In postcard format, each card motif can also be ordered as a single card.
Veritas Evernia Lenormand cards are also avaiable in playing card size 59 mm x 91 mm.
The complete set in art postcard format comes with an extra folder with more detailed interpretation options.
As all cards interact with each other, the meaning of a single card comes with the meaning of the cards lying next to it. E.g. when next to the horseman the clover may indicate that a possibly new beginning is fortune favoured. But when both cards, the horseman and the cloves, are lying next to the (dark) clouds you may expect drawbacks and problems.
When reading the cards we recommend to trust your own impressions, thoughts and emotions while looking upon the spread and contemplating its meaning. Just as many medicinal herbs - as long as you allow them - suddenly come into the garden of just the person that needs them the single cards "find each other" for the overall picture and the cards significant for your life may "find you".
Also, always look for the positive aspects. For example the crossroads implicate the meaning of "methods to solve a problem" even though the card might be situated in an ominous card spread.
Ethical responsibilty also drew me, the artist, to change the motif of the coffin into the gate. The gate symbolizes a sharp change: Opening it and entering a new "room", a new way of life, can be difficult, but hope remains it's worth the effort.
Especially when reading cards for others you should keep in mind that your counterpart is surely not expecting bad news but assistance, clarification, advise, help!
Our folder that comes with the complete card deck offers you more information about the meaning of every single card.